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Dr. Xiansheng Hua is now a Distinguished Engineer, Vice President of Alibaba Group and Head of AI Center of DAMO Academy, leading a team working on large-scale visual intelligence on the cloud.
Dr. Hua is an IEEE Fellow, and an ACM Distinguished Scientist. He received his B.S. degree in 1996 and his PhD degree in applied mathematics in 2001 from Peking University in Beijing, China.
He became a Researcher and Senior Director of the Alibaba Group in Hangzhou, China, in April 2015, leading the Visual Computing Team in the Search Division, Alibaba Cloud and then DAMO Academy. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 research papers and has filed more than 90 patents. His research interests include big multimedia data search, advertising, understanding, and mining, as well as pattern recognition and machine learning. Dr. Hua has served or is now serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Trans. on Multimedia and ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. He served as a Program Co-Chair for IEEE ICME 2013, ACM Multimedia 2012, and IEEE ICME 2012. He was one of the recipients of the 2008 MIT Technology Review TR35 Young Innovator Award for his outstanding contributions to video search. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Award at ACM Multimedia 2007, and Best Paper Award of the IEEE Trans. on CSVT in 2014. Dr. Hua also served as general co-chair of ACM Multimedia 2020.
Dr Dawn Sim is a consultant ophthalmic surgeon in the medical retina service at Moorfields Eye Hospital, and a former chief resident and current clinical lead for diabetic screening there. She has a PhD from the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology for her work on endothelial progenitor cells in retinal vascular diseases and has published extensively on diabetic macular ischemia. She also has a special interest in the area of virtual clinics and teleophthalmology and is working on device-agnostic platforms to facilitate acceleration of new technology into clinical practice. An ARVO Alcon Early Career Research Award winner, Dawn is a patent holder for the use of Indocyanine Green Dye for visualization of inflammation. A prolific and successful grant-raiser, Dawn also won the Dermot Pierse prize in 2009 and the 2009 Young Investigator’s Award at Asia ARVO in 2007.
Dr Kim Ramasamy has been working with Aravind Eye Hospital – Madurai for 30 years and served as Director of Information Technology of the Aravind Eye Care System and Chief Medical Officer of the Aravind Eye Hospital in Madurai since 2011. As the IT Director, he is a pioneer in the development and implementation of electronic medical system (EMR) across all Aravind centres.
Dr Kim has been working as a Senior Consultant of the Vitreo Retinal Services. The retina-vitreous department has created the TIFAC-CORE in Diabetic Retinopathy (Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council – Centre of Relevance and Excellence) in collaboration with the Department of Science & Technology of the Government of India. He was the project coordinator for this initiative during the year 2003-2006. The program has stimulated exploration into the feasibility of manufacturing lasers, ophthalmoscopes and especially ADRES software semi-automated software for screening for Diabetic retinopathy.
Prof Paisan Ruamviboonsuk is the Scientific Secretary of the Asia-Pacific Vitreo-Retina Society and the President of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Congress in 2019. He is the Immediate Past President of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand and the Thai Retina Society. He was the Founding President of Association of Southeast Asian Nationals Ophthalmology Society and currently serves as the Secretary General of the society. He received many international awards including APAO Arthur Lim Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Award, APAO Achievement Award, APAO Distinguished Service Award, United Nations Public Service Award.
Dr Natsuda Kaothanthong is Assistant Professor at the Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology. She received her PhD in Information Sciences from the Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, Japan and completed her basic research fellowship in Thammasat University. Her research interest is ATM fraud detection, natural language processing and computer vision.
Dr. J. Peter Campbell is Associate Professor of Casey Eye Institute of the Oregon Health & Science University Hospital. He received his medical degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and his research interest is retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
Professor Dan Milea is a Neuro-ophthalmologist and a senior consultant who holds a MD and a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. He was successively a Neuro-Ophthalmology consultant at the Pitie Salpetriere University Hospital in Paris, then a Professor of Neuro-Ophthalmology in Copenhagen, Denmark, before being the Chairman and Professor of Ophthalmology at the Angers University Hospital, France. In Singapore since 2012, he is currently a Senior Clinician in the Department of Neuro-ophthalmology at SNEC. He has published over 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals and he is a Principal Investigator for several studies in Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology and Visual Neuroscience.
Professor Milea is also a member of the faculty staff at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, and Head of the Visual Neuroscience group at the Singapore Eye Research Institute. He is involved in the Neuro-Ophthalmology teaching programmes and mentoring of residents, trainees and research staff.
Prof Thanaruk Theeramunkong is the Chairperson of Master of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things at the Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology. Prof Theeramunkong ’s research interest is natural language processing, artificial intelligence, knowledge data discovery, information retrieval, data mining, machine learning (ML), and intelligent information systems. He is in charge of a number of research projects, including the News Relations Discovery Project, the Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems and the Knowledge Information & Data Management Laboratory (KINDML).
Dr. Hallak is an epidemiologist with expertise in comparative effectiveness research and statistical analysis of complex data. Dr. Hallak’s research interest is the development of methods that combine vast amounts of structured and unstructured data from clinical, genetic and imaging features to develop combinatorial methods in statistical regression, machine and deep learning. Dr. Hallak joined the department in 2016.
Dr Mårten Brelén is an Associate Professor at CUHK. He obtained his preclinical medical degree (MA) from Cambridge University where he graduated with 1st Class Honours. His clinical medical degree (BMBCh) was obtained from Oxford University and he has also spent 4 years in research at the University of Louvain in Belgium which led to the degree of PhD in Biomedical Sciences. Clinically Dr Brelén is fellowship trained at the Bristol Eye Hospital, UK in vitreo-retinal surgery and he is a fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists UK (London).
Dr Brelén is the Head of retina service at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Eye Centre and is the Team Head for the vitreoretinal service at Prince of Wales Hospital. He is the Lead Coordinator of the clinical fellowship programme for vitreoretinal training and the Director of the Pao So Kok Macular Disease Treatment and Research Centre. He is also a visiting Professor at the Joint Shantou International Eye Centre in Shantou, China.
Dr Nicolas Jaccard is the principal AI architect at Orbis International, a global NGO fighting avoidable blindness. Throughout his career working in academia, technology startups, and the non-profit sector, Nicolas has developed end-to-end expertise in machine learning and artificial intelligence, from algorithm development to productization. As an “AI for Good” enthusiast and practitioner, Nicolas has worked across the biotechnology, security, road safety, and healthcare sectors.
Yao Liu MD MS is a clinician-scientist and the Immediate Past Chair of the American Telemedicine Association Ocular Telehealth Special Interest Group. She is the Director of the University of Wisconsin Teleophthalmology Program and an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has over a decade of experience in telehealth for diabetic eye screening and is a co-author on the recently updated American Telemedicine Association Ocular Telehealth Practice Guidelines for Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma. She has been the Principal Investigator of National Institutes of Health/National Eye Institute-funded research projects to advance telehealth for diabetic eye screening in rural primary care clinics using implementation science. She completed medical school in the Harvard-MIT HST Program, her ophthalmology residency at Massachusetts Eye and Ear, and her glaucoma fellowship at the University of California-Davis Eye Center.
Dr. Pasquale is Site Chair, Department of Ophthalmology, Mount Sinai Hospital and Director of Eye and Vision Institute of New York Eye & Ear Infirmary at Mount Sinai. He is the Shelley and Steven Einhorn Professor of Ophthalmology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Dr. Pasquale is an internationally renowned Glaucoma Specialist who is a member of the Glaucoma Research Society, the American Academy of Ophthalmology Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Glaucoma Trustee for the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Dr. Pasquale is an NIH Principal Investigator with continuous grant support since 2006 whose research focuses on the pathogenesis of primary open-angle glaucoma and exfoliation glaucoma. Of his 316 papers listed in PubMed, 18 are devoted to artificial intelligence.
Prof. Ryo Kawasaki is a physician-scientist at Osaka University Hospital, Artificial Intelligence Center for Medical Research and Application. He has a strong passion bringing preventive medicine perspectives into clinical ophthalmology to an ultimate goal of eliminating blindness and he is committed to various studies in the field of ophthalmology and other systemic diseases. He is now leading interdisciplinary projects at Osaka University hospital aiming to apply AI-based medical software and devices into clinical practice and screening. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers, and enjoys working with collaborators and young researchers to build up epidemiological research capacity in Ophthalmology.
Pearse Keane is Professor of Artificial Medical Intelligence at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, and a consultant ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. He is originally from Ireland and received his medical degree from University College Dublin (UCD), graduating in 2002.
In 2016, he initiated a formal collaboration between Moorfields Eye Hospital and Google DeepMind, with the aim of developing artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for the earlier detection and treatment of retinal disease. In August 2018, the first results of this collaboration were published in the journal, Nature Medicine. In May 2020, he jointly led work, again published in Nature Medicine, to develop an early warning system for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), by far the commonest cause of blindness in many countries.
In October 2019, he was included on the Evening Standard Progress1000 list of most influential Londoners (https://www.standard.co.uk/news/the1000) and in June 2020, he was profiled in The Economist.
In 2020, he was listed on the “The Power List” by The Ophthalmologist magazine, a ranking of the Top 100 most influential people in the world of ophthalmology.
Associate Professor Daniel Ting is the Director of Singapore Health Service (SingHealth) AI Program, Head of AI and Digital Innovation in Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI), Associate Professor in Ophthalmology with Duke-NUS Medical School Singapore.
At the global setting, A/Prof Ting serves in several AI executive committee (American Academy of Ophthalmology, USA and STARD, UK) and AI editorial boards (Nature Digital Medicine, Frontiers in Medicine and Ophthalmology). He has published >180 peer-reviewed papers in highly prestigious journals such as JAMA, NEJM, Nature Medicine and etc, and recently been ranked the world’s most influential deep learning researcher across clinical and technical domains in healthcare for the past 10 years (2010-2021) by the ExpertScape.
Prof. Haotian Lin is currently the Vice President of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-Sen University, the Primary Investigator, the interdisciplinary PhD tutor (ophthalmology and biomedical engineering) and the professor of Center for Precision Medicine of Sun Yat-Sen University. He is the winner of China Youth Wusi Medal, selected as the “National Young Technological Innovation Leaders”, a standing committee member of All-China Youth Federation, the Executive Vice-President and Secretary of the Guangdong Association of Young Scientists, and the Chief Scientist of National Key R&D Program in China. He has established the world’s first ophthalmic artificial intelligence robot clinic and edited 2 books in the capacity as the editor-in-chief. He has co-authored 6 monographs and has more than 100 SCI papers published as the first or the corresponding author in high-impact journals, including Nature, Science, Lancet, BMJ, Lancet Digital Health, Nature Biomedical Engineering, PLoS Med, EBioMedicine. He owns more than 10 patents in China and the US and has filed more than 20 patents that are under review.
Dr Gavin Tan is a Senior Consultant in the Surgical Retinal Department of the Singapore National Eye Centre and a clinician scientist at the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) with a faculty appointment as Associate professor with the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School. Dr Gavin Tan is a trained surgical and medical vitreoretinal specialist with a clinical interest in diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, intraocular tumours, retinal detachments and pediatric vitreoretinal diseases. He is the clinical director of the SNEC ocular reading centre (SORC), which is one of the major imaging reading centres for diabetic retinopathy and retina clinical trials in Singapore. He is involved in the development and implementation of a national diabetic retinopathy telemedicine screening program in Singapore and the development and integration of artificial intelligence methods for DR screening. Dr Gavin as the Head of the SNEC Digital Transformation office, has a keen interest in developing telemedicine virtual imaging clinics and home monitoring solution to address the constraints of medical care under the new normal of Covid-19.
Dr. Eydelman is the Director of the Office of Ophthalmic, Anesthesia, Respiratory, ENT and Dental Devices at the FDA. She leads a large, multidisciplinary staff in the development, implementation, execution and management of the premarket, postmarket, compliance and quality programs.
Dr. Eydelman received her M.D. degree from Harvard Medical School and a Doctorate in Health Sciences and Technology from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Eydelman originated numerous symposia and workshops to facilitate medical device innovation and has been instrumental in expediting development of novel endpoints for clinical trials of pioneering technologies. She organized multi-stakeholder public-private partnerships; oversaw development of regulations, standards and guidance for industry. Dr. Eydelman has spearheaded numerous clinical and laboratory studies designed to improve the safety and effectiveness of medical devices.
Dr. Eydelman has been granted a U.S. patent, published nearly 100 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and monographs, and presented over 250 lectures worldwide.
Moderators: Mingguang HE & Paisan RUAMVIBOONSUK
15:00-15:09 | 3D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based abnormality classification in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images | Krunalkumar PATEL |
15:09-15:18 | Development & Validation of an Offline Deep Learning Algorithm for Detecting Vitreoretinal Abnormalities on Ocular Ultrasound | Krishna VENKTAESH |
15:18-15:27 | Capsule Network Based Classification of Age-Related Macular Disease Using Optical Coherence Tomography Images | Ali CELEBI |
15:27-15:36 | The Diagnostic Accuracy of an Artificial Intelligence Tool for Diabetic Retinopathy Using Nonmydriatic Fundus Images | Ganesh JONNADULA |
15:36-15:45 | COVID-19 Lockdown: Not a Barrier for Retinopathy of Prematurity Screening | Ashwin SEGI |
15:45-15:54 | Anterior Segment Imaging Using a Simple Universal Smartphone Attachment for Patients | Vineet JOSHI |
15:54-16:03 | Assessment of Referable Diabetic Retinopathy by Tele-ophthalmology Versus Fundus Examination by Retina Specialist in Diabetes Care Clinics in India | Ramachandran RAJALAKSHMI |
16:03-16:12 | Agreement and Diagnostic Test Accuracy of Diabetic Retinopathy Grading Using Fundus Photographs as Compared to Indirect Ophthalmoscopy at a Primary Eye Care Setting in Nepal: The Bhaktapur Retina Study | Raba THAPA |
16:12-16:21 | Comparative Assessment of Tear Function Tests, Tear Osmolarity, and Conjunctival Impression Cytology between Patients with Pterygium and Healthy Eyes | Nader NASSIRI |
16:21-16:30 | Evaluation of SARS-COV2 Virus via Tears and Conjunctival Secretions of COVID-19 Patients and its Effectiveness as Diagnostic Tool | Ambreen GUL |
Michael Abramoff, MD, PhD, is the Watzke Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Iowa, with joint appointments in the College of Engineering. A fellowship-trained retina specialist, computer scientist and entrepreneur, Dr. Abramoff is founder and executive chairman of Digital Diagnostics (formerly IDx), the AI diagnostics company that was the first in any field of medicine to get FDA clearance for autonomous decision AI. He developed an ethical foundation for autonomous AI that is used during the design, validation, and regulatory and payment methodologies for medical AI. He chairs the “Foundational Principles of ophthalmic Imaging and Algorithmic Interpretation” Working group, which advises FDA and others on AI. The author of over 300 peer-reviewed publications in this field, h-index 64, he was cited over 34,000 times, and inventor on 17 issued patents and many patent applications. His goal is to use AI to improve the affordability, accessibility and quality of care.
Dr Andreas Mueller works with the World Health Organization Headquarters Vision and Eye Care Programme. He has a background in vision sciences research and epidemiology and has worked in various sectors of the public health field – academia, the nongovernment sector and within the UN system. Between 2011 and 2016, he led the WHO Prevention of Blindness Programme at the Regional Office for the Western Pacific Region, where he was responsible for the development of the first WHO regional action plan for the prevention of blindness. Research interests include innovative strategies to improve the quality and effectiveness to deliver eye care services in low- and middle-income countries, including the use of technology for population screening for eye disease.
Lama A. Al-Aswad, MD, MPH is ophthalmologist with subspecialty in glaucoma and cataract with a strong interest in disease prevention and population health management. She is professor of ophthalmology at NYU Langone Health and the Vice Chair for Innovations and the Director of Teleophthalmology, Artificial Intelligence and Innovations and the Associate director of the glaucoma fellowship. She received her medical degree from Damascus University Medical School and completed her glaucoma research fellowship at the Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School. Subsequently, she completed her residency in ophthalmology at the SUNY Downstate and her glaucoma fellowship at the University of Tennessee.
In 2015, Dr. Al-Aswad conferred the degree of Masters of Public Health from Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health for her work in healthcare policy and management. Dr. Al-Aswad, is the past president of the NY Glaucoma Society and the Women in Ophthalmology. She also holds an appointment with the FDA as a voting member on the ophthalmic device panel.
Dr. Al-Aswad is a believer in prevention of blindness as evident from her large-scale glaucoma screening project in NYC where she screened more than 8500 individuals for glaucoma. In 2017, she launched the tele-ophthalmology screening project for the four-leading cause of blindness using a mobile tele-ophthalmology unit equipped with state of the art devices and staffed with technicians, linked in real-time to a reading center. In 2019, she piloted the first teleophthalmology Kiosk for screening for the four leading causes of blindness. Dr. Al-Aswad has experience in building data capturing systems in addition to app development. She is currently working on validating artificial intelligence systems in glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy screening as a tool in blindness prevention.
Dr Warapat Wongsawad is an ophthalmologist specializing in retina. He is Deputy Director of the Mettapracharak Eye Hospital, Ministry of Public Health of Thailand, and on the Scientific Committee and Global Health in Eye Care Working Group of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand. He is also on the National Eye Care Service Plan Development Committee of the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand.
Prof. Ngamkae Ruangvaravate graduated as a medical doctor with first honor from Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, in 1983 and earned a diplomate from the Thai Board of Ophthalmology in 1989. She did her glaucoma fellowship at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA, from 1991-1992, and was a visiting instructor in Electrophysiologic tests of vision at New York University Medical Center, New York, USA, in 1993. She was President of the Thai Glaucoma Society in 2019-2020. Currently, she is a Professor of Ophthalmology and the Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Thailand. She is a glaucoma specialist and with a genuine interest in artificial intelligence (AI). She encourages her team to come up with new innovations and AI in Ophthalmology.
Sunny Virmani is a Product Manager at Google Health leading the Ophthalmology projects focussing on research, development and deployment of
automated Machine Learning algorithms. Previously, he has held Product Management positions at Carl Zeiss Meditec and Philips Healthcare primarily in medical imaging.
Topcon Healthcare sees eye health differently. Our vision is to empower providers with smart and efficient technologies for enhanced patient care. Keeping pace with the ever-changing landscape of the healthcare industry, we offer the latest integrated solutions, including advanced multimodal imaging, vendor-neutral data management, and ground-breaking remote diagnostic technology.
A globally oriented business, Topcon is focused on developing solutions towards solving societal challenges in the mega-domains of healthcare, agriculture, and infrastructure. In healthcare, these challenges include increasing eye disease, rising medical costs, access to healthcare, and physician shortages. By investing in value-driven innovations, Topcon works to enable people to enjoy good health and high quality of life.
Topcon Healthcare Solutions Asia Pacific, a solution arm of Topcon in Asia, is dedicated to providing a world-class software solution for the eye-care industry and beyond in APAC region. Our products enable the collection and visualization of a wide range of imaging data from multiple devices with vendor-neutral connectivity on the cloud service. We also have an integrated service that connects practitioners to an extensive network of reading services to assist in the detection of sight-threatening eye diseases.
Solve your data management and communication challenges, and streamline your practice workflow, with Topcon Harmony Referral Systems (Harmony RS), the next-generation software application. Harmony allows you to connect all of your diagnostic instruments, regardless of manufacturer, in one secure, web-based platform, while providing a variety of features to fit your needs.
With Harmony’s integrated workflow, patient information flows seamlessly from an EMR directly to the device. It also reduces human errors and time spent on entering patient information at the instrument.
Harmony supports connectivity to a variety of instruments, regardless of device type and brand, allowing you to centrally view relevant data on a single screen and eliminating the need for third party software.
Now more than ever, you need to grow your practice beyond your physical location and deliver quality eye exams from virtually anywhere. Topcon RDx® is an innovative ocular telehealth platform that allows you to connect to your office remotely and conduct comprehensive eye exams, without sacrificing the quality care you provide.
Topcon’s CV-5000 automated phoropter integrates with RDx remotely, allowing you to perform refractions from anywhere.
Deliver quality eye exams for your patients at a time and place that is convenient and safe for them.
Utilize the benefits of integrated remote video conferences between you, your staff and patients while connecting and controlling the devices within your practice; in real-time.
Topcon Healthcare Solutions Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
1 Jalan Kilang Timor, #09-01 Pacific Tech Centre, Singapore 159303
Email: THSAP@topcon.com